CHEER NOTE #6 Your weekly invitation to celebrate life on + off the yoga mat

Dear Community:

Yesterday marked my first time using #SPRINKLECHEER as a hashtag. 8 YEARS ago. Let me explain the story behind Sprinkle Cheer.

In this note:


  • 4 min community video

  • group classes- virtual and IRL!

  • Books to Read

  • Aquarius + Valentine’s Day Flow - 2/14 @11AM CT

  • BYTT: Beyond Yoga Teacher Training


  • February Cheer Kit (free meditation, yoga class + writing prompts)

Dear Community:

Yesterday marked my first time using #SPRINKLECHEER as a hashtag. 8 YEARS ago. Let me explain the story behind Sprinkle Cheer.


The hashtag was first used Feb 6, 2014. It was used to encourage service, kindness + support. It was not used “intentionally” to be my - “brand name.”

Feb 6 2014: I was leaving my “business” job late at night and I encountered a homeless man - freezing cold on the Dearborn Steet bridge.

⁣⁣⁣⁣He did not beg me for money or ask me for anything, but something in my heart as I stomped and slushed my way through the snow told me to stop. I simply said “hello” (yes I initiated the conversation) and offered him what was keeping me warm - a single cup of tea in a takeaway cup with a Yogi Tea Bag flowing out of it.

No money, no change, just the tea. Before I left - I asked him his name (JODIE) and told him to “make sure he reads the little quote!” The quote read: “let your heart guide you.”


I proceeded to keep walking in the bitter cold home and have never stopped letting those words guide me. And I went back that same night to bring him clothes. And by building this relationship with him, I discovered his birthday was April 10- Aries like me! By no means did we become “besties,” but we stayed connected on that bridge.

So back to Feb 6 2014: I felt compelled to share my experience on my social channels - and without over thinking the post - I used the two words together and formed a hashtag: #SPRINKLECHEER.

If you search it now on the gram - it has not only my content but many others and I THANK YOU for sharing it!

Years later - after I left the corporate world, completed teacher training, and made some big life shifts, that hashtag (while it had a nice jingle to it) became my “brand,” it was never about creating a brand from that encounter - but it was always about letting my heart guide me.

As I reflect back on that night, I can assure you the meeting of Jodie shaped me for the better. We each can play a part in this one life we are given and we can each shine a light on one another. Because we -no matter who we are or where we come from, well, we have it already - we have that inner spark, that sprinkle - and it is our duty to not only get still enough to uncover it — but then to share it with others.

⁣⁣⁣⁣So yes, Sprinkle Cheer started impromptu-style with letting my heart guide my actions and still today - I encourage you to stay true to those words - let your heart lead you.

⁣⁣⁣⁣Community, Love, Service, Presence and Cheer - these are some of the soul values of this “brand,” inspired by that encounter eight years ago.

And I thank you for being a part of it.

Happy Birthday, Sprinkle Cheer!

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